Art Studio 2025

Great News
We received a donation from The Werthy Toundation to provide approved round- trip transportation to the Epilepsy Families’ Art Therapy Saturday afternoon meetings. Please contact us at (414) 271-0110 or complete the online appication by clicking the car icon below.

Join us for Art Therapy and informal support group discussions

It is free and is open to people with epilepsy of all ages and their families. 

To register, please complete the registration form below.

Dates: Febrary 22nd
Time: 1pm - 3pm
Place:  Art Theraphy House
7646 N. Teutonia Ave
Brown Deer, WI 53209

Jill McNutt Ph.D., LPC, ATR-BC, ATRL, ATCS 
Art Therapist/Art Therapy Supervisor
The Art Therapy House, Inc.


Chair of the Research Committee
American Art Therapy Association

Any questions please call, 414-271-0110.

Registration (Each person needs to complete this form)
Please fill out for each participant:
  Under the age of 18
 Check here if completing form for someone under 18. I give my parental or guardian consent for my child/ren to participate.