

In late summer the Epilepsy Families Southeast Wisconsin sponsors a 3-day, 2-night retreat at Wisconsin Lions Camp in Rosholt, Wisconsin. Activities such as hiking, boating, swimming, camp fire, wagon rides, crafts, volleyball, archery and fishing are available throughout the weekend. Small discussion groups and informative programs are also offered to the participants. This retreat is designed for adults with epilepsy who are able to live independently. Ages 18+.


Summer Camp provides a fun, safe, residential camping experience for children ages eight to seventeen with a primary diagnosis of epilepsy. The weeklong residential camp is conducted at the Wisconsin Lions Camp located in Rosholt, Wisconsin. The camp experience is designed to encourage independence and self-esteem, and to provide children with an increased understanding of seizures and epilepsy. During the week, campers participate in a variety of activities, build new and lasting relationships, and meet others who may have seizure disorders. Children are encouraged to fully participate in all the camp activities. Specially trained epilepsy counselors are present to facilitate small group activities or one on one discussion. Camp scholarships are available. Call for information on dates and cost.


These presentations can be tailored to meet the needs of the audience, the age of the students involved, and the length of the class period. A general information program is followed by a short video, and is concluded with a question and answer period. These presentations can do much to ease the fears, misinformation, and intolerance that students may have towards children in their school who have a seizure disorder. Most appropriate for grades three through high school.


A support program for individuals and families that have lost a friend or loved one, directly or indirectly due to a seizure or epilepsy.


This is a series of educational dinner meetings throughout Wisconsin. Taking place in rural communities, health care professionals provide presentations on topics related to epilepsy and healthcare. The goals of these presentations are to increase the knowledge about epilepsy, improve the ability of patients to communicate effectively with healthcare providers, and to provide epilepsy self-management training and knowledge of community resources. These programs also provide excellent and affordable training for social workers, job coaches or direct care workers who have clients with epilepsy.


PACE is a support program for parents and other adults, including professionals, involved in caring for children with any type of disability or limitation. Meetings have an educational focus on topics of general interest and generally feature a speaker. Call for more information.


Books, videos, photocopied materials and brochures are available, to borrow or purchase, on the topic of epilepsy and related issues. We can help you find specific information on employment, medications, safety and first aid, epilepsy in children or the elderly, school issues, surgery, insurance, women’s health and many other areas of interest.


A member of our staff will be pleased to come into your school or place of employment and present a program suited to your specific need or situation. A general information program on epilepsy, seizure types, appropriate first aid and educational and social concerns is presented along with a professionally produced short video that shows actual film footage of seizures and offers information and tips to the viewers. We have several videos and will choose the one most appropriate to the audience. These in-service presentations are well received by teachers and staff members as well as bus drivers, lunchroom personnel, teacher aids, etc. Presentations can be done at your convenience during the school day or in the afternoon or evening hours and can accommodate time frames of 30 minutes to two hours. A panel made up of individuals with various experiences with epilepsy is also a possibility.


Support groups for individuals affected by seizures and epilepsy are offered at several locations. All meetings are "drop-in" and informal; everyone is welcome. Dates and times may vary depending upon location. Check our page under "Support Groups" or call the Epilepsy Families Southeast Wisconsin at (414) 271-0110. We are currently offering a Youth Social/Support Group for young people with epilepsy ages 6 to 17. Please see more inforamtion here.


Work that can be done by individuals wishing to volunteer at our office, at home, or at other locations throughout the year. Volunteer opportunities vary but may include folding, labeling, filing, shredding, making phone calls, youth activities, helping at health fairs, and public speaking.